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I have previously taken a Yoga teacher training. I just finished Day 2 of my teacher training with Shanthi. I have now such a greater understanding of Yoga and I got SO much out of these 2 days than I got out of my previous entire Yoga teacher training.
The grounding in the practice is so much greater in just these 2 days. In addition, the way Shanthi explains the poses, I feel so much confident in my doing of the poses because of the way she explains the various aspects.
Shanthi has an amazing depth of knowledge on Yoga. She grew up in the Indian culture and she has lived this her entire life. She is bringing these ancient traditions to her everyday life. She has wonderful stories to share that bring the Yamas and Niyamas to life. I did a workshop with her on these.
What so impressed me in the day long retreat I did with her was how she lives Yoga. The way she eats, the way she lives, the way she teaches, the way she interacts with people, she has very deep knowledge. Her connection to spirit is what so touched me. This is something she brings to everything she does. It helped me to realize that I want to deepen my spiritual connection and bring it into every aspect of my life.
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