7 Dreadful D.A.N.G.E.R.S. of “DOING Yoga" that NOBODY Talks About

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Wednesday, Nov 30, 2022, 8:30 PM New York Time   

Thursday, Dec 1, 2022, 7 AM IST

This free Live webinar gives you the blueprint to avoid D.A.N.G.E.R.S. and practice Yoga-Science correctly to heal and succeed effortlessly!

People often use the phrase "I DO Yoga", I can't DO Yoga", or "I don't DO Yoga, I only DO Meditation". Are these phrases correct? Join me in my FREE live webinar to find out the truth

What Will You Learn?

Here's a small sample of what I'll be covering when you join me Live! The word D.A.N.G.E.R.S. is an acronym

Danger #1

D-Diminishes Mind-Body Health. 

Danger #2

A-Abuses Yoga-Science 

Danger #3

N-Narrows Your Success 

Danger #4

G-Goes against Harmonious Relationships

Danger #5

E-Endangers Your Intellectual & Spiritual Growth

Danger #6

RReduces Your Potential to Transform the World

Danger #7: Come and Learn inside the Webinar

Hosted by Shanthi Yogini

Namaste! Shanthi is an engineer-turned Authentic YogaScience Master, “2 Yoga-Minutes to Happiness Expert”, and a #1 international best-selling author of the book "Happiness: The Key to Success". She has been teaching this for the past 40 years, but on a full-time basis for the past 18 years. Her system has helped thousands of people reclaim their healing & happiness, and recharge to their full potential.

Shanthi is on a mission to change the current misrepresentation, commercialization, and dilution of Yoga-Science and the Yoga-Teacher Training System. She founded "Authentic Yoga-Science for Happiness Academy" to create the next generation of world-class Yoga-Leaders who can teach, coach, heal, and lead others.

Avoid the D.A.N.G.E.R.S. and Achieve Massive Healing & Success in Every Area of Your Life Effortlessly


Frequently Asked Questions.

Please get clarity on these questions and answers before you attend the webinar!

How long will this session be and what will be covered?

This interactive webinar will go on for about 90 minutes. Shanthi has a very powerful and eye-opening way to simplify complex concepts. You will learn how "DOING Yoga" leads to dangers and what to do instead to escape the dangers. You will also learn the path to becoming a Yoga-Teacher and Yoga-Leader.

Is this webinar only for those already "DOING Yoga"?

No! Even though we have many people "DOING Yoga" attend this to deepen their knowledge, more than 60% of Shanthi's students had no prior Yoga-experience. If you are open to understanding Yoga-science authentically, and are ready to heal yourself and experience happiness, this webinar will be very useful.

How should I prepare myself before the webinar?

If you are really serious about practicing Authentic Yoga-Science, bookmark your calendar and attend the webinar from start to finish without any distractions and without multitasking. Make sure that you are sitting in a quiet place with a notepad, pen, and paper handy.

Can a person with no idea of Yoga-Science also become a Yoga-Leader?

Absolutely! A person with an eagerness to serve the world in a very simple way is the only requirement. In fact, if they come knowing nothing about "Yoga", they will gain a lot as they have very little unlearning to do. But Yoga-Teacher training is at a much-advanced level. Everyone has to first start with reclaiming their healing & happiness.

Will you be offering any paid programs in the webinar?

Yes. Shanthi will talk about membership into her Authentic YogaShaala Family at the end of the webinar. If you resonate with this concept and wish to continue on the learning journey, you can grab the special offer that will be given only in the webinar..

Copyright © 2022 Shanthi Yogini and Authentic Yoga-Science for Happiness Academy. All Rights Reserved.  

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