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About Shanthi Yogini

Shanthi is an engineer-turned Authentic Yogic Lifestyle Expert and a #1 international best-selling author of a Book series on happiness. 

Dressed traditionally, she is authentic to her roots in more ways than mere appearance. 

The current Yoga-system is misappropriated, adulterated, and diluted, and cannot fulfill the real needs of the world. 

Shanthi is on a mission to create world-class authentic Yoga-Masters to bring balance back into the world with authentic Yogic lifestyle through her S.H.A.K.T.I. Yoga-Model. 

Shanthi comes from a lineage of Yoga-Masters. She was born and raised in the country which is the very source of Yoga-Shaastram (Yoga-Living). She teaches ancient wisdom suitable to modern lifestyle through 2-minute tools.

Shanthi is an eye-opening Speaker, Culture Educator, Healer, Dancer, Storyteller, and a highly sought-after TV, Podcast and Radio Show guest..

Copyright © 2023 Shanthi Yogini and Authentic Yoga-Science for Happiness Academy. All Rights Reserved.  +1 401-305-0882

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